Cara Cara Orange Bars are full of flavor from bright winter citrus at the season’s peak! Earthy thyme in a buttery shortbread crust compliments the sweet without overpowering it. Enjoy this simple and delectable recipe before the end of citrus season!

I am living for these Cara Cara orange bars with thyme shortbread crust right now!
It’s such a blessing that peak citrus season also happens to be in the dead of winter! Gimme all those winter citrus recipes!
We need a little bright.
A little tart.
A little sweet.
Ok, a lot sweet.
And some earthiness from fresh thyme. Such a beautiful balance!
These bars are just the tip of the citrus iceberg. I’ve also made marshmallows! And these AMAZING lemon ginger refreshers! Next up: lemon meringue pie. I’ve never made it, but I’m bound and determined.
Stubborn Midwestern bakers will not be denied! Plus, I need to get my fill of winter citrus recipes while I can. Unlike actual winter, citrus season is far too short.
I created this recipe for Cara Cara Orange Bars with Thyme Shortbread Crust by simply adapting my previous Lemon Lime Bar recipe (which is just a simple riff on regular Lemon Bars! I’m telling you – all citrus, all the tiiiiiiime).
Grab the original recipe here. And simply make these modifications:
- ¾ cup freshly squeezed Cara Cara orange juice (about 4 oranges) + ¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
- All the zest from those juiced oranges!
- 3 tablespoon of fresh thyme mixed into the crust.
Then, just follow the rest of the recipe as instructed! Enjoy!
· by Amanda Gajdosik