We didn’t get to fry a turkey for Thanksgiving.

Between Seth hunting and me working and all of the shuffling around that comes from having in-laws who have in-laws – we just couldn’t make Thanksgiving at our house work.
So! We regrouped, reconfigured, and reorganized. And are now going to be hosting a Christmas party/open house/Festivus instead!
I really love hosting gatherings at our home. I'd rather have a cavity filled than leave our house for a social engagement, but the tables are totally turned when I’m hosting the party. I love having people over! Milling around, making drinks, munching on snacks! It’s the best! I like decorating the house and doting on guests. As evidenced by Cheeselandia last year and my podcast-themed birthday party this year. Call me crazy, but I even like the clean up afterward, too.
There won’t be much in the way of cleanup when it comes to a cheeseboard, though! That’s the beauty of them! They’re an exercise in creativity, a gorgeous, interactive centerpiece, and the first thing guests devour during cocktail hour!
I’ve been on a real cheeseboard tear lately. I taught my very first how-to class to great results, made a mega board for an art opening at a coffee shop, put together an instructional video for Webster’s, and am now hosting another class in holiday cheeseboard making and styling.
I don’t want to seem dramatic by telling you that cheeseboards are becoming a flagship of my business model, so I won’t. Buuuuuut, I will tell you how fun they are to make, how much they impress your guests, and how desperately you need to make one!
If you need a little inspiration, I created three themed boards that would be lovely in virtually any situation! Be it a dinner party, an office potluck, or just a cozy evening at home with your husband and your pup.
There’s the Mediterranean-inspired board, perfect for any warm-weather dweller who may be reading. (Or, anyone who loves a marinated piece of mozz!)
The dessert board is a different way to end a meal than a cake or cookies. And, as a bonus, requires no baking!
And what kind of Wisconsinite would I be if I didn’t make a board celebrating the great Dairy State?!
As a bonus! I made a fun timelapse video of the process for creating the Webster’s board. Check it out here!
· by Amanda Gajdosik